Creating and adding a Keyfile in Enpass

    For an additional layer of security when unlocking Enpass, you can create a Keyfile on your computer, which can then be added to your mobile devices by scanning a QR code that will appear on your computer screen.

    To create a Keyfile in Enpass:

    1. Go to Settings, select Security, and click Change Master Password.
    2. Enter your Master Password and click Continue.
    3. At the bottom of the window, click Advanced, then click Generate Keyfile.
      Click Generate-a-KeyFile in Change Master Password screen at the bottom
    4. Select the folder where you want to save the Keyfile on your device.
    5. Enter a file name for your Keyfile, and click Save.
    6. Click the Close button to save the changes.

    To add a Keyfile:

    1. Go to Settings, select Security, and click Change Master Password.
    2. Enter your Master Password and click Continue.
    3. At the bottom of the window, click Advanced, then click Choose Keyfile.
    4. Locate the .enpasskey file on your device (or wherever you have that file saved).
    5. Select the file and click Open.
    6. Enter and confirm a strong Master Password and click Done.
      Change password and click done to add-a-KeyFile in Enpass
    7. On the next screen, click Done again to save the changes.

    To add a Keyfile:

    1. Tap Settings and go to Security.
    2. Tap Change Master Password.
    3. Enter your current Master Password and tap Continue.
    4. Tap ••• at the top-right corner and then tap Choose Keyfile.
      Tap Choose Keyfile on iOS device to Add keyfile in Enpass
    5. Locate the .enpasskey file on your device (or wherever you have that file saved).

    You can scan the QR code for the Keyfile on your desktop to add it to your iOS device. 

    To add a Keyfile:

    1. Go to Settings, and select Security, then tap Change Master Password.
    2. Enter your current Master Password and tap Continue.
    3. Tap  at the top-right corner and then tap Choose Keyfile.
      Choose keyfile on Android device to add keyfile in Enpass
    4. Locate the .enpasskey file on your device (or wherever you have that file saved).

    You can scan the QR code for the Keyfile on your desktop to add it to your Android device.

    Good to know

    Keep your Keyfile safe — it cannot be recovered

    When a Keyfile is used in combination with a Master Password, both are required to decrypt Enpass. Because Enpass is an offline password manager with no access to your data, Enpass cannot recover lost Keyfiles or Master Passwords. All your data is under your exclusive control. If your Keyfile is lost, Enpass should be reset so you can start over as a new user.

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