Marking favorite items in Enpass

To quickly access frequently-used credentials in Enpass, you can mark items as favorites.

To mark items as favorites, you can either:

  1. In the Item Details view, click  in the top-right corner.
  2. In a list view, right-click an item, then select Add to Favorite.
    Right-click an Item to select add to Favorite in Enpass
  3. In a list view, drag an item to the Favorites on the sidebar.

If you have multiple vaults, select the correct vault above the sidebar before dragging items into Favorites.

To mark item as favorite:

  1. In the Item Details view, scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap Add to Favorites.
    Tap Add to favorite on Item detail view on iOS device

To mark items as favorites from the Item List:

  1. Tap and hold the item you want to favorite.
  2. Select Add to Favorites from the pop-up list.

To mark item as favorite in the detail view of an Item:

  • Tap  in the top-right corner.
    Item detail view on Android device

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